How much is your college major worth?

Select an undergraduate major:

Business Majors
Communications Majors
Engineering Majors
Sciences and Mathematics Majors
Health Sciences Majors
Education Majors
Humanities and Social Sciences Majors
Parks, Recreation, Leisure and Fitness Majors
Data for the AAUW salary calculator is derived from the U.S. Census Bureau's 2010 and 2011 American Community Survey (ACS). The wage estimates are weighted averages of wages reported by full-time workers who hold at least a bachelor's degree. Two years of data were pooled to increase sample size. The salary calculator uses categories for majors and occupations as reported in the ACS; majors and occupations with small sample sizes are not included. The occupations listed for a given major are the most popular for that major; major and occupation combinations with small sample sizes are not included. Where "Insufficient Data" is noted, the sample size is too small to be meaningful.