Alternative Data and Credit Scoring Intelligence for Young, College Educated Borrowers
Our Data Assets and Strong Predictive Model provides future FICO scores of college students
Our Model is based on the analysis of actual education tracks and their occupational outcomes, including salary data. This fact based approach enables the development of predicted FICO scores for young, thin file borrowers which are reliable estimates of individuals’ credit-worthiness.
With 10 years of actuarial experience for student lenders, we have the most reliable data assets relating to young borrowers. Our proprietary credit scoring model represents borrowers on a continuum, starting in high school through 8 years into the labor market – with a FICO score. It is a global view, which enables lenders to look at the high quality lending prospects, far earlier than the typical credit building cycle allows.
How your organization can benefit from our data and models.
Augment Credit Scoring Models
- Typical alternative data (phone bills, utilities) do not accurately reflect the true financial status of thin file borrowers
- The default trajectory knowledge of young, unscored borrowers is fundamental to model development
- Our strong predictive model enables logical insights into who will pay their bills, who will default, and why
- Our data assets and strong predictive model enable actionable credit model augmentation
Support Business Development and Marketing Initiatives
- See future borrowers from a ‘global perspective’ – 2.5 mi grads each year
- Visualize the continuum from high school, through college, and into the workforce
- Incorporate earnings capacity to create a ‘lifetime value’ of borrowers
- Avoid the bad bets and focus resources on the good prospects
- Target the good prospects years earlier in the credit building cycle
We offer 3 data products you can use to determine credit worthiness of unscored/thin file borrowers
Education to Occupation Mapping - this data table is foundational to developing a strategy for targeting future borrowers. The table presents a global view of how young people progress from high school, through college, enter the workforce, and their first 10 years of employment, including salary data. By analyzing the continuum of educational tracks to career outcomes, the clarity of who will become great lending prospects, and who will struggle with student debt, is immediately evident. The Education to Occupation Mapping data table is a true platform of intelligence on which a cost effective, targeted customer acquisition strategy can be developed.
College Credit Data Program – identify the specific colleges you’ll focus on in a targeted marketing campaign. With 1250 colleges in our database, you’ll be able to identify the colleges that have the students you want to target, as well as the students who will pose too much of a credit risk.
Credit Decisioning Data - this program enables lenders and landlords to quickly ascertain the creditworthiness of a borrower, at an exception cost of $1 per analysis.