College Credit Database
Our College Credit Program offers data, on a per institution basis to enable you to make sound lending decisions.
If you’re relying on alternative data to gain visibility into the credit worthiness of recent college graduates, we can offer more reliable insights through our College Credit Program.
In order to understand credit risk when lending to young, thin file borrowers, it is imperative to understand causation of those who become delinquent. The precipitating cause of the majority of delinquencies of persons under 30 is a loss of employment.
The typical college educated millennial is employed, indebted, has almost no savings, and is living paycheck to paycheck. Because of their financial situation, a termination of employment will commonly set them on a default trajectory, beginning with student loans.
If you’re relying on alt data when extending credit to young consumers, know that the last bill they stop paying is their cell phone. Make sure your data are predictive, rather than after the fact.

The fee for the data is on an individual college basis at $1,000 per institution. Data points included for each college are:
- The number of grads by major
- The average starting salary by major
- Probability of a recent grad being terminated each month, by major
- Average duration of unemployment period (in months), by major
- Probability of ‘non-payment of student loan’ within 3 years of graduation
- Predicted FICO score at age 30
To view a sample file from this program, click here.