The Ultimate College List Builder - User Guide
This program enables you to create a list of colleges that includes information which is crucial to the college planning process – and the Ultimate College List Builder program is the ultimate time saver!! Professional college planners will spend 1 to 2 hours, PER SCHOOL, to gather the information that our program provides within just a few minutes.
The Ultimate College List Builder is super fast, it’s super easy to use, and it will make you super efficient by eliminating the drudgery of cutting and pasting to gather and consolidate your college planning information.
And it gets better – business is done in Excel, which is why the output of the Ultimate College List Builder is provided to you in Excel. Here are some of the benefits:
- As you move through the research and application process, you can easily add or eliminate data from your Excel spreadsheet.
- You can share this spreadsheet with your child, financial planner, associates, professionals and any others who are assisting you with the college application process.
- If you are a professional using the Ultimate List Builder Program in your work with clients - you can import fields from the List Builder Excel sheet into other Excel documents that you may be utilizing.
- This is your Excel spreadsheet! Whether you keep a copy on your computer, put it in the cloud, or both-- it will function as your primary repository for the college application process.
- Click here to see a sample file
Pricing – like all of our programs, we’ve made the data incredibly inexpensive.
- Single use purchasers (typical family) pay $5 per school
- ETC data subscribers (college consultants, financial planners, and information hungry families) pay $1 per school (subscription required – see below for information on how to sign up)
Program use - like all of our programs, we’ve made the program incredibly easy to use. Just a few simple steps and you will have your own custom College List on your computer.
- Select state(s). To add more than one state, open the drop down menu and click on additional states.
- Enter SAT or ACT score
- Select the range of score around your entered score. The wider the range, the more schools you’ll have in your list. You can always revise this with one click.
- Select the category of academic major (eg: engineering)
- Select the detailed academic major (eg: chemical engineering)
Hit 'submit' and you’ll advance to a page that will show you a list of schools that meet your criteria. From this initial listing, you can select the schools which you wish to purchase data. When you’ve selected your final list, you’ll advance to a purchase module which collects your payment by credit card. Once you’ve completed the payment process, your data file will be ready for download. The data file is provided in csv format which opens in Microsoft Excel, Apple Numbers, Google Spreadsheets, so forth. It’s your spreadsheet - enjoy!
Now, let’s take a look at your spreadsheet. Here’s a listing of the data you’ll find in each column, moving from left to right:
A- Name of collegeB- State where college is located
C- Number of undergraduate students enrolled in the most recent year
D- Bachelors degrees conferred in the most recent year
E- Category of academic major
F- Detailed academic major
G- Total number of faculty on staff
H- Percent of faculty on tenure track
I- Number of students per faculty member
J- Dollars allocated specifically to student instruction, shown on a per student basis
K- Dollars allocated specifically to research, shown on a per student basis
L- In state tuition and fees, undergraduate. This is the ‘full retail’ price.
M- Out of state tuition and fees, undergraduate. This is the ‘full retail’ price.
N- Average net instate tuition and fees, undergraduate. This is the actual price paid after all grants and other offsets.
O- Average net out of state tuition and fees, undergraduate. This is the actual price paid after all grants and other offsets.
P- Percent of graduating students with loans
Q- Average loan balance for graduating students
R- Percent of students receiving all available grants
S- Average dollar amount of all grants combined
T- Percent receiving state grants
U- Average state grant
V- Percent receiving institutional grants
W- Average institutional grant
X- Percent receiving pell grants
Y- Average pell grant
Z- Percent of applicants admitted
AA- Percent of admitted, who enroll
AB- Percent taking SAT
AC- Average SAT score
AD- Percent taking ACT
AE- Average ACT score
AF- Percent graduating within year four
AG- Percent graduating within year five
AH- Percent graduating within year six
AI- Percent still enrolled after six years
AJ- Percent dropped out of college without a degree
AK- Percent transferred to another college
AL- Average salary of all recent graduates from selected college
AM- Average salary of recent graduates from selected college, within selected major
Please be advised that by purchasing this data file from ETC, you agree to a single use license with no license to create derivative works. In plain English, here’s what this means:
Single Use License – you can use the data file for 1 student or family college plan
No Derivative Works – you cannot create a database, resell, publish, create marketing materials, or any use beyond developing 1 student or family college plan.
Note – if you wish to license data for purposes of a creating a database, resell, publish, create marketing materials, or any use beyond developing 1 student or family college plan, please contact us as we do license data files for multi-user and promotional purposes.